2017: Moments to remember!
Happy New Year, friends! I had to edit this post down from four billion pics to…well, however many are still left down below. This was heck of a hard to put together! I desperately wanted to include a picture from every shoot but dang, there were so many. I actually got a bit overwhelmed while looking through my drives but good overwhelmed. Happy overwhelmed. Deeply grateful that I got share in so many amazing memories but a little sad that I haven’t had time to blog them all. One day, I will. I really, really will. Because every single shoot was special to me. From the rainy engagements to the sun-kissed I-do’s, I loved every one.
It’s 1am on a Tuesday morning and soon I will sleep soundly, knowing that while my to-do list is long, my have-done list is a cracker! Not even sure I’m still speaking English at this hour! One day I will sit down and write about what a meaningful line of work photography is. About how it’s changed my life. About how in love with it I am. I will write about the sweet moms who whispered in my ear on the day of their sons’ wedding. I will write about the dads who prayed over their daughters. I will write about the kids who straight-up owned the dance floor! Almost every weekend, I get to bear witness to these incredible moments. I get to play on dance floors and wake up in new places! I get to chase the light with clients who feel like friends. I need to explain how much this means to me. There is no other thing I’d rather be doing for a living. The trick in 2018 will to be find a way to balance it all a bit better. Because I still want to document my own life stories from time to time, haha! Gotta make sure I finish this new year with more than a few cellphone selfies! But my gosh, I am excited for what’s to come. To every single soul who has supported me, please know that I am so very thankful. Here’s to a fun-filled new year!